On December 28, 2020, Fr. Levi Nkwocha arranged for a medical mission to the city of Umuohiagu in southeastern Nigeria. Included in this mission were five eye doctors, five general physicians, five lab technicians, seven nurses, and three pharmacists. The purpose of the mission was to provide medial evaluations for the needy.
Fr. Levi set up various stations in which every patient visited. These stations included:
a nurse recording vital signs
an eye exam
a physical exam
lab tests
revisit with a medical doctor regarding lab results
pharmacist for drug dispensing
After a busy two-day medical mission, 518 adults and children were evaluated and treated for various medical conditions. It was a successful mission with the assistance of MAP International, who provided most of the medical supplies, the medical volunteers, as well as our private donors who provided $2,500 for additional medical needs, the bus rental, meals for the medical staff, and all supplies for each stations.